25 August 2014

Sitora Harimau Jadian

Buku ni adalah penceritaan semula oleh P.Ramlee dan diterbitkan semula setelah pencarian filem ini gagal. Korang boleh baca macam mana buku ini dapat diterbitkan kat amirmu.blogspot.com.

Jalan cerita yang ringkas dan tak menggunakan perkataan yang begitu sastera. Sangat sesuai untuk bacaan kanak-kanak.

Cerita tentang Kampung Kiambang yang diganggu oleh Sitora seekor harimau jadian. Orang kampung terpaksa membayar wang perlindungan kepada Tok Dukun untuk mengelak daripada diganggu. Tetapi Pendekar Amin enggan menurut kemahuan Tok Dukun maka anaknya Naemah sering diganggu oleh Sitora.

Kampung tersebut mempunyai balai polis yang dikepalai oleh OCPD Mutalib yang kemudian telah memohon seorang doktor untuk bertugas di kampung tersebut supaya kepercayaan orang kampung dengan tahyul dihapuskan. Dr Effendi yang ditugaskan bersama dengan Pendekar Amin dan beberapa orang kampung percaya telah berjaya membunuh Sitora. Selama 3 bulan kampung itu aman tanpa gangguan Sitora sehingga satu hari Sitora muncul dan mula membalas dendam dan menjadikan Dr Effendi harimau jadian juga.

23 August 2014

And The Mountains Echoed

This is the third novel by Khaled Hosseini. This book have many characters rather than one character like his other books. This book is written similarly to a collection of short stories, with each of the nine chapters being told from the perspective of a different character.
The novel started at year 1952. Saboor, an impoverished farmer from the fictional village of Shadbagh, decides to sell his three-year-old daughter Pari to a wealthy, childless couple in Kabul. The choice devastates his ten-year-old son, Abdullah, who raised Pari following their mother's death in childbirth.
Subsequent chapters expound on how the arrangement came to be: the children's stepmother, Parwana, grew up as the less-favored child to her beautiful twin sister Masooma. One day, in a flash of jealousy, she caused Masooma to suffer a debilitating injury that resulted in paraplegia. Parwana subsequently spent several years caring for her sister until the latter asked her to help her commit suicide and to then marry Saboor. Their older brother, Nabi, left to work for Mr. Wahdati, a wealthy man in Kabul, and became infatuated with his wife, Nila. After Nila expressed dismay about her inability to have children, Nabi arranged for Pari to be sold to the couple.
In the ensuing years, Abdullah leaves Afghanistan and Mr. Wahdati suffers a stroke, prompting Nila to take Pari and move to Paris, France. Nabi, while assuming the role of Wahdati's primary caregiver, finds a number of sketchbooks in Wahdati's closet filled with pictures of him drawn before the stroke. Unnerved by the discovery of his employer's apparent obsession with him, he resolves to leave but decides against it after he is unable to find someone suitable to take over for him. Nabi subsequently spends the next 50 years working for Mr. Wahdati before ultimately assisting in the latter's suicide.
Wahdati's neighbors, meanwhile, move to the United States with their children after the Soviet invasion. Cousins Idris and Timur return to Afghanistan over two decades later in 2003 to reclaim their family's property. While there, Timur makes a great show of publicly distributing money to street beggars while Idris privately bonds with Roshi, an Afghan girl who suffers from a horrific injury and whose family was murdered by her uncle. Idris at first promises to arrange for Roshi to undergo the operations needed for her recovery but distances himself from her and Afghanistan on returning to the States. Several years later, Idris comes across Roshi signing copies of her bestselling memoir, which she has dedicated to her adoptive mother and Timur, who paid for her surgery.
Nila, now living in Paris, is unhappy for much of her life, taking up a number of lovers and beginning to refer to the plain and practical Pari as her "punishment". She commits suicide in 1974 after giving a detailed interview about her early life. Pari suspects that she is not Nila's biological daughter and plans a trip to Afghanistan to explore her heritage. However, she postpones it indefinitely after marrying and becoming pregnant. After having three children and being widowed at the age of 48, she receives a posthumous letter from Nabi in 2010 detailing the circumstances of her adoption by the Wahdatis.
Later chapters focus on Adel, a boy learning that his father is a war criminal and that his house is built on the land that previously belonged to Saboor, and Markos, a Greek aid worker in Afghanistan and acquaintance of Nabi. In the final chapter, narrated by Abdullah's daughter, Abdullah and Pari are reunited in California. However, he is suffering from Alzheimer's disease and is unable to remember her.

*from wikipedia.

15 August 2014


Apakah SLE?

System Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), atau lupus adalah gangguan sistem imun. Badan kita ada sistem imun yang sepatutnya melindungi tubuh tapi bila ada SLE, imun tu boleh serang kita pulak. SLE akan beri kesan kat tubuh kita seperti sendi, buah pinggang, paru-paru, kulit, jantung, otak dan pembuluh darah.

Siapa Penghidap SLE?

10% - Lelaki & Kanak-kanak
90% - Wanita. Biasanya bermula lepas seorang wanita melahirkan anak.

Penyebab SLE

SLE ialah kecelaruan yang kompleks dan sampai hari ni tak tahu apa sebabnya. Kemungkinan besar sebab kombinasi faktor genetik, persekitaran, dan hormon.

Tanda-Tanda SLE

Setiap pesakit SLE akan mendapat tanda-tanda yang berbeza. Biasanya sakit sendi, sendi bengkak, demam yang tak berkesudahan dan tak dapat dijelaskan atau keletihan yang melampau. Terdapat juga tanda-tanda ruam pada kulit yang dikenali sebagai ruam "rama-rama" yang mungkin ada kat sekitar hidung dan pipi. Tanda-tanda lain sakit dada, keguguran rambut yang teruk, anemia, ulser mulut, sakit kepala, pening-pening, kemurungan, kebingungan atau sawan.

Kalau korang ada sebahagian tanda-tanda tersebut atau kesemua tanda tu, sila jumpa doktor cepat-cepat supaya dapat diagnosis yang tepat.

Rujukan : Persatuan SLE Malaysia

13 August 2014

Sesi Perkenalan.

Eh aku takde le pandai nau main menatang nih. Skill aku biasa-biasa je. Lompat pun ada la dalam 3 inci je hahahaha. Sebelum aku cerita acane nak main menatang ni meh berkenalan dulu. 

Dah kenal? Ada macam-macam tajuk. Aku pakai Seba. Ada sebijik je. Tak mampu nak beli bebanyak, mahal sangat. Kalau setakat 50 hengget sepasang, sebulan 2 aku beli. Hahaha. Ok nanti sambung lagi.

12 August 2014


dalam kepala ni macam-macam idea nak taip kat sini
tapi masa ni laju sangat
oi tunggu kejap boleh?

kerja, tolong bagi gua can sikit boleh tak?
nak cari masa senggang tu susah sangat kenapa?


hari ni sepet tertinggal air milo.

eh apa yang gua merepek kat sini

dah, gua nak buat kerja.

Keputusan Terburu-Buru

Wah kemain tajuk post mengundang sangat, padehal nak cerita pasal marathon je. Dah bertahun tak masuk event lari ni sebab takde motivation. ...