19 June 2013

as you believe, so it is for you.

Max owned a thriving sandwich shop. There were almost always people waiting in line to eat at his little shop. He gave away free pickles, free potato chips, sometimes a free soft drink, and his sandwiches were famous for being overstuffed.

One day his son, who lived in a distant city, came to visit. They had a good visit, but as the son was leaving, he told his father, "Since I've been here, I've been observing how you run the sandwich shop, and I have to tell you for your own good that you're making a big mistake giving away all those extras. The country's economy is in bad shape. People are out of work, and they have less money to spend. If you don't cut back on free items and on your portion sizes, you'll be in bad way before long too." His father was amazed, thanked his son, and told him he would consider his advice.

After his son left, Max followed his son's advice. He stopped giving away free items and he cut back on generous portions of food in his sandwiches. Before long, after many of his disappointed customers had stopped coming, he wrote to his son: "You were right! The country's economy is in bad shape, and I'm experiencing the results of it right here in my sandwich shop!"

The poor economy that the man's son saw all around him was real. Despite the poor economy, though, the father had been running a successful sandwich shop. He didn't realize that times were hard, that many people were out of work, and that money was scarce. He was treating everyone with great generosity and he was reaping the rewards that such actions always bring: a positive, generous outpouring of good things. But after his son told him about the "bad shape" the country was in, he began to act as if it were so, bringing about the only possible result - a negative, fearful, ungenerous experience of life, an experience that he believed was "out there"?

"The answers are never "out there". All the answers are "in there", inside you, waiting to be discovered.


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Keputusan Terburu-Buru

Wah kemain tajuk post mengundang sangat, padehal nak cerita pasal marathon je. Dah bertahun tak masuk event lari ni sebab takde motivation. ...