26 June 2014

The Kite Runner

Amir and Hassan (his hazara) was best friend when they were young in Kabul, Afghanistan. They grew up together and one day after the kite tournament, Assef (their friend) done something bad to Hassan and Amir saw it. Amir didn't help Hassan and he felt guilty about it. He can't help it until one day after his 12th birthday he betrayed their friendship because he thinks that he can feel free from that feeling.

Then the Russian attacked Pakistan, Amir and his father ran to America to start a new life. After his father died, his father's friend Rahim Khan called from Afghanistan asking him to visit and told him that he can be good again.

Rahim Khan revealed a secret about his past life and that made he think what to do to end his guilty.

Once I started reading Khaled Hosseini book, i just can't let it go because i really want to know what happen next. He is really a good story teller.

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Keputusan Terburu-Buru

Wah kemain tajuk post mengundang sangat, padehal nak cerita pasal marathon je. Dah bertahun tak masuk event lari ni sebab takde motivation. ...