04 May 2013

Because there's much to be learned from a mango tree

Once upon a time in a faraway land, a wise king wanted to teach his four sons a valuable life lesson. One winter he dispatched his oldest son to see a mango grove. As winter turned to spring, his oldest second son made the journey. The third son traveled to see the trees that summer. And in the fall, it was the youngest son's turn.

Upon the youngest boy's return, the king summoned his four sons and asked each what he had seen.

"The trees looked almost bare," Reported the eldest son.

"No," argued the second son. "They are leafy and green."

"The trees I saw were blooming with clusters of tiny pink flowers," the third son reported.

"No," insisted the youngest. "They are filled with orange, yellow, and red fruit."

"My sons, each of you are right, for you each saw the trees at different times." said the king.

The lesson of mango grove is to keep in mind that the other person and you have different frames of reference, different experiences, different ways of looking at things, different values, and in all likelihood, you will use different words to say the same thing.

When you are aware, you just don't look - you see.
You just don't listen - you hear.
When you "see" and "hear", you are in complete attendance.

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Keputusan Terburu-Buru

Wah kemain tajuk post mengundang sangat, padehal nak cerita pasal marathon je. Dah bertahun tak masuk event lari ni sebab takde motivation. ...