20 December 2014

Orphan Train

Molly Ayer (17 yo) adopted by a couple at Maine became friend with Vivian (91 yo) when she had to do community service because stealing a book at the library but she lied about that. She helped Vivian rearrange her boxes and she get to know the history of Vivian's life.

Vivian came from an Irish family and her family went to America for a new life but she became an orphan when her family was dead on a fire. She gets on Orphan Train and adopted and the journey of her life begin. She learned how to survive until she married and get a daughter but she gave her to other family.

This is a historical fiction book and it based on the elders of American's and they even have Home of National Orphan Complex and we can visit http://www.childrensaidsociety.org/about/history/orphan-trains to get other information. 

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Keputusan Terburu-Buru

Wah kemain tajuk post mengundang sangat, padehal nak cerita pasal marathon je. Dah bertahun tak masuk event lari ni sebab takde motivation. ...