19 December 2014

Nice Girls Don't Get The Corner Office

I like this book very much although it is more suitable for women who works for the company. I have to admit that most women done the mistakes written including me (haha!). Women unconsciously act like a girl because we don't feel there's nothing wrong to be like that at the office. Women always think that hard work is the best way to get promoted but unfortunately that is wrong.

If you are wondering why you are not getting promoted or you think you should get better salary because you did a good job (but you did not), you must read this book. The most mistakes (I think) that almost every women do is talking with high pitch (including me sometimes :)). The good thing about this book is not just telling you what mistakes have you done but give advise and solution.

Recommended all women to read it.

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Keputusan Terburu-Buru

Wah kemain tajuk post mengundang sangat, padehal nak cerita pasal marathon je. Dah bertahun tak masuk event lari ni sebab takde motivation. ...