19 December 2014

The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty.

We cheat almost everyday without knowing that we are cheating. It happens everywhere and mostly every time we have the chances. Sometimes we feel that it's okey to cheat because other people cheat the same way we do.

For example, we put coins on vendor machine to buy soda and we got the soda and the coins back. We think that's not right to take the coin and the soda but people after us get the coins and the soda too. Then we feel that that it is okey because we are not cheating alone.

The book also tells us about that people will purposely cheating if they know that they will not get caught. We also feel it is not guilty cheating in our work if the boss say so.

The author did a lot of experiments mostly in exams, or something to do with paper works. What about husband or wife who cheats? Friends among them maybe? Or family?

In conclusion this book really open my minds about why sometimes my workers cheating and how i can minimize the chances they will cheating.

*haha okey i know the words and grammars are like primary school student but who cares? :p

Got it?

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Wah kemain tajuk post mengundang sangat, padehal nak cerita pasal marathon je. Dah bertahun tak masuk event lari ni sebab takde motivation. ...